St. John's is blessed to have had the Reverend Dr. Ronald Kotrc as our Rector, serving on a part-time basis, with one Assistant Priest, one Deacon, three licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and two Lay Ministers. We also have a Secretary part time. We do not have a paid nursery attendant at this time. Janitorial services are contracted out. St. John's is governed by a six-person vestry that includes the Jr. and Sr. Wardens. Vestry members serve for two years on a rotating basis, and meet on the 3nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Laypeople perform many of the important functions of the church during High Holy seasons and during the regular Church Year. Three licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers routinely assist with chalice bearing and other Eucharistic functions, and the Assistant Reverend, one ordained Deacon and two licensed Lay Preachers assist with sermon delivery. A score of parishioners act as Lectors, Cantors, Choristers, Ushers, Vestry Members, Sunday school teachers, Servers, Acolytes, and Altar Guild members. The laity takes its many and varied tasks seriously at St. John's, and has the full support of the clergy.