In addition to our regular worship schedule, St. John's enjoys numerous opportunities to strengthen its spiritual and social ties to the larger Ketchikan community.


The annual Advent Tea, hosted by the women of St. John's, is one of the oldest and most traditional events of the Christmas season in Ketchikan.  When first started in the 1930's it was considered the official opening of the Christmas season, and often coincides with the first weekend of Advent.  The event consists of a tea table, craft table and baked goods table, and entertainment provided by the church and local musical groups.  Mackenzie Undercroft is transformed into a softly-lit holiday fantasy, and for many years, to the delight of the children, has been visited by St. Nicholas.


In preparation for the Christmas candlelight Eucharist, parishioners have made it a longstanding custom to gather for the Hanging of the Greens.


The annual Fourth of July Pie Sale has been an important part of the City's patriotic celebration for many hears. St. John's bakers contribute generously with luscious homemade pies, and this perpetually successful fundraising event has become famous throughout the community. The proceeds from the pie sale are used for various needs within the parish


The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is an anticipated event prepared by members of the Vestry to begin the Lenten season.  During Lent, members are invited to gather for a simple Soup Supper each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., followed by Bible studies and lectures appropriate for the season.


The Men of St. John's meet for an early breakfast on the third Saturday of each month for fellowship and/or for a work party when needed.


St. John's Altar Guild is a source of pride to the entire parish. Its dedicated members lovingly care for the Sanctuary, preparing it for all services including weddings, and assist in almost all phases of parish life.


Ladies Night Out For over five years the woman of the church have met the second Friday for dinner at a local restaurant. Anywhere from 6 to 20 women from ages 10 to 90 gather in fellowship.


Both the Episcopal Church Women and St. John's Youth Group have become inactive because of lack of interest.